Organised by the FIP Community Pharmacy Section in collaboration with the FIP Hospital Pharmacy Section and the FIP Social and Administrative Pharmacy Section
Jaime Acosta Gómez (FIP Community Pharmacy Section, Spain) and Felicity Smith (Practice & Policy, UCL School of Pharmacy, UK)
- Presentation from a carer
Tommy Whitelaw (The Alliance, Scotland)
- Workshop, including cases to be discussed from different countries/cultures/illnesses/carers
Learning Objectives
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Analyse how pharmacy services can meet the medicine-related and wider needs of carers more effectively, both for their loved ones and for themselves;
- Demonstrate the types of attitude and behaviour that carers expect from pharmacists;
- Differentiate what effect settings and cultures might have on the roles of carers and the pharmacy services that support them;
- Demonstrate skills for counselling, coaching, teaching and care planning with families and carers.
Type of session: Application-based